The Exiled Luggage Tamer Awakens as the World's Only Necromancer Chapter 2


Chapter 2: The Party's Judgement

“Alright! Is it finally time for us to enter the god-slaying dungeon?”

“A dungeon where no one has set foot in until now. I’m feeling very motivated.”

“May god’s blessing be upon us all…”

“…yeah. But does god even exist?”

“He exists in our hearts.”

I find myself excluded from the group as the other members all talk freely amongst themselves. The reason being…

“You’ll pay for it if you keep lagging behind! If you can’t carry that luggage anymore, you’ll lose your small place in this party!”

“Land… hurry up. We can’t match your pace anymore.”

‘They say whatever they want while they push all their things onto me. Well… whatever.’ I thought to myself while patting Rei’s head. Rei was carrying more than half of it after all.

“Let’s go then.”

“Don’t fall behind!”

I had to keep up with them even while being reproached. 


The god-slaying dungeon, a mysterious dungeon that even S-ranked parties refused to challenge, and no one had ever stepped foot in it till now. A rumor of unknown origin says that the Minotaur, a creature that boasts peerless strength, lives as the floor boss of the fifth floor. Even now, Fade and the others knew they had little room for error.

That observation was pretty much spot on. Immediately after entering the dungeon, fights that forced the party into a tough spot appeared one after another. 

“Dammit! Do these monsters ever end!?”

I had already moved to the front of the party to search for the enemy, but traps and monsters alike still got past me and attacked the party.

“Oi Land! Stop fucking around and do your job!”

“That doesn’t matter anymore!”

“…nnn… it’s already a lot of trouble.”

My eyes met Fade’s while the other three continued to fight.

“Land… Don’t worry about it. It’s fine; just continue reporting what you see to us.”

“Ahh, that’s… my bad.”

I replied to him before going ahead with Rei. Of course, I was doing my job. Now that I think about it, Rei and I were safe up at the front of the party knowing that those behind us wouldn’t struggle in these fights. In the current situation, we need to realize that the perils of the dungeon could come from anywhere around us, but Fade, who was already becoming more stressed with me by the minute, didn’t realize this. With that being the case, it would be better for me to focus on searching for traps.

“Shit! You’re not even useful to that degree!”

“Calm down, Roig. Still… as I say that, I also know that things are definitely not going well.”

I heard the criticisms of the two behind me as we moved further into the dungeon. After that, there were still a few times where a monster or a trap managed to get past me, but I think I was still able to destroy most of them. However, this effort was not conveyed to my party members behind me.

“Useless to the end! Shit!”

“Now, now. Land-san was trying his best as well.”

Even with Quella’s nice words, the party was still unhappy. Well, whatever. It was finally time to take on the floor boss.

“Alright. From here on, let’s change our formation.”

I stood back behind them when I heard Fade’s voice, while Roig moved to the front of the party for the fight this time. As such, it was time for Roig to taunt the enemy into concentrating their attacks on him rather than me playing that role.

“Roig does the usual while Meiro prepares an attack.”

“Aye, leave it to me! I’ll show you how to be at the vanguard!” Roig exclaimed as he unabashedly looked my way as if to provoke me.

“I’m ready to fight! Quella, back me up!”


“Alright, let’s go!”

Fade and the others stepped into the floor boss’s room without calling out to me.

“Shall we go Rei?”


“Aghh! Shut it!” 

It appears we weren’t even allowed to get ourselves motivated.


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